Welcome to Marauder Moments - a chronicle of the Mortimer Street Marauders; the games we play, the rules we use, the figures we play with and the scenery they fight over. Hope you enjoy these pages and maybe call back to catch up with our escapades.

Monday, 26 October 2020

Basing the next batch of Austrians & some newcomers

The last few weeks have seen the end of the Flutzen game (which I shall write a concluding post for) and the commencement of a mammoth basing session. The arrival of more Austrians coincided with the first Russians turning up to grace our games. Rich has splurged a few £££'s on the Russians and being a top draw loon has started with the Guards!      

We rolled back the battle mat and get in some essential supplies, mostly beer.
Tubs, sand, grit, glue, spoons, flock & old brushes. 

The first of our much talked about limbers get the basing treatment. 

This is a very therapeutic and productive use of time. Idle banter about past exploits, rules, figures, games & of course... what to buy next. We have a few beers and get loads done because basing this much stuff on your own can be soul draining! 

The infantry battalions on the left are Russian Guards - all in Mitres of course!

Russian artillery get sand between their toes!
More Russian artillery, some Guard heavies, Guard Lights & wild Cossacks! 

These I think are Guard Cossacks and Don Cossacks.

Just need to get the flock on these boys; 4x32 Austrian Grenadiers, 6x36 French Legere,
32 Zastrow & 32 Garde du corps, 32 Austrian Cuirassier plus one Austrian General. 

There is another week in this I suspect, possibly two. Rich tells me that more Russians have arrived so maybe there'll be another batch to do soon too. Then we must play again. 
Magister Militum are casting up an order for me now, more French & Austrians of course.
Next up I think should be a full Bavarian Division complete with a light cavalry brigade maybe.

I'll try to get the Flutzen report finished at some point.

Best wishes,     



  1. Beer. Figures. Two of my favourite things!
    All the best Jeremy to you and the Marauders.
    Regards, James

    1. Cheers old chum. I hope you guys are safe & well. If you're ever in town... be great to hear see you. Shoot some deserters & drink beer ;)

  2. Hi,
    Amazing collection! Who does your painting? I was just wondering what size bases you use for your 10mm figures? We play with 6mm, but your base sizes look similar.

    1. Hi Ed, thanks for commenting & for your kind words. My good friend Barry Hill paints almost everything you see. He's based in the Philippines, do you want his contact details?
      Best wishes,

    2. Hi Jeremy,
      If he is happy to paint 6mm, then yes please! I have a large number of figures and even with lock down I am not going to get them all painted at my speed! :D Is there a way to PM you my contact details?

    3. You could PM me via the facebook page (of the same name) & I can pass Barry's details onto you from there?
      Hope that helps,

    4. Hi Jeremy,
      I hopefully have PM'd you via FB. Honestly I have not used it properly for years, so I am not sure if I have sent it correctly in the end!

    5. Hi, I have asked Barry to respond to you here as I am a total Luddite in these things!
      Best wishes,

  3. I've heard of Beer & Pretzels but not beer and bases. What an excellent way to complete an army!
