Welcome to Marauder Moments - a chronicle of the Mortimer Street Marauders; the games we play, the rules we use, the figures we play with and the scenery they fight over. Hope you enjoy these pages and maybe call back to catch up with our escapades.

Monday, 29 April 2019

Man & brush v Resin...

This project must have me all fired up!

Yesterday I picked up a brush & painted.

(This is monumental news for me).

These are two farmsteads from Total Battle Miniatures, the 6mm Italian/Spanish range. The castings are beautiful - just wash in warm water, allow to dry then undercoat. I'll do step by step of a few more maybe another time.

For now I am just basking smugly in the warm glow of my own creations. I haven't painted anything for a very, very long time. These testers have turned out exactly as I had hoped & another parcel arrived this morning so full steam ahead is the order of the day. 

These will make either small defensible built up areas or more pretty obstacles.

These will liven up the tabletop much to my satisfaction!

I really hope these work with 10mm models, I'll check on game night tomorrow.

I have so far resisted painting the doors & windows as this seems to work just fine.

All this needs is some deck chairs & a glass of dry white wine - suitably chilled.

The slight elevation really appeals to me. It adds an element of drama & romance.

Birds eye view. The nasty stain has been dry-brushed out.

I could live here!

Yesterday I also planted six trees in my garden so I am extra uber smug! With luck my mood will hold & I'll post again soon.

Best wishes,



  1. Lovely buildings, nice job...

    1. Cheers Phil, I have a pile more to do and the motivation to do it which is 90% of the battle!

  2. Nice work Jeremy, I have a load of the TBM 6mm stuff for my ACW and it is very nice.
    Also take a look at Leven and Perfect 6. Both look much better than their web pages show.

    1. Leven I know but not looked at perfect but will do.
      Cheers old chum,

    2. If you want to check it out there is a Leven church and farm put up on the blog last night: https://scrivsland.blogspot.com/2019/05/war-of-spanish-succession-french7.html


  3. Characteristic architecture. Cozy. Handsomely!

    1. Many thanks! Hopefully I can refine the technique & finish a few more very soon - then get playing on them!

  4. Very nice Jeremy - I will miss your big 28mmm bashes you know!

    1. Hi Carlo,
      I get that totally. I miss the easy to see detail. We have so many 28's that we can't afford not to use them so we'll still do some more manageable games which will feature here. In the meantime we'll working on getting the 10mm stuff looking as pretty as possible and learning to photograph the tiddlers which is a different ballgame!
      Best wishes,

  5. And a marvellous paint job you have done too!
    Hopefully you are 'fired up' to do more? Why wouldn't you with such great brushwork in evidence?!
    I find painting a most relaxing and almost therapeutic pass-time, even though I am "slow as a wet weekend'.

    1. Hi James, we don't have wet weekends in the UK, every day we bathe in golden sunshine from cloudless skies... where's my umbrella?

      Thanks for your kind words - Yes I am "fired up" - two villages & a chateaux started & hopefully finished this bank holiday weekend. Pics to follow.
      Best wishes,

    2. Ah, just as I suspected. Those stories that we hear about UK weather are all inaccurate. The whole place *is* really like 'Midsomer' then?!
      Happy painting Jeremy. I look forward to admiring the results.

  6. Absolutely nothing wrong with that brush work. Total Battle Miniatures will be thrilled to see these pictures. More more!

    von Peter himself

    1. Cheers Peter & glad to see you can finally post here! I'll stick up my latest creation for you to consider!
      Best wishes,
