Welcome to Marauder Moments - a chronicle of the Mortimer Street Marauders; the games we play, the rules we use, the figures we play with and the scenery they fight over. Hope you enjoy these pages and maybe call back to catch up with our escapades.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Russian 6lb foot battery - eye candy

We have featured Tony's work in the past but this one I think is a bit special. Mostly Foundry toys with lots of conversions and other bits and pieces too, I notice more detail every time I look at these two vignettes. The battery is the usual 6 guns but mounted three to a base allowing for some very clever modelling and ground work.

Although we play General de Brigade we liked the look of Barry Hilton's batteries with artillery junk behind them as seen in Republic to Empire (didn't get on with them, pretty though!). Whatever the arguments for and agaisnt this "back base" thing I don't care - we love it.

Usually we shove a limber or caisson across the back of a battery, ideally the same length as the battery is wide. This vignette takes the whole thing further by modelling the width and back base on one or two very unwarpable bases. Enough from me now - here is the battery - let me know what you think of Tony's efforts.

That's it for now, I have some new toys for you and a few battle reports too - just need the time to write them up! Enjoy these for now, best wishes



  1. Excellent looking artillery. I always admire the diorama look on basing

  2. Superb, I could look after them for him ;0)

  3. Great work from Tony. They do look rather excellent.

  4. Saturation - we haz it. I like the rather natural shot in the middle best. And the battery looks great.

  5. Thanks for the kind words - Tony is puffing up his chest as we speak!

    Saturation? Yes we haz it! Tony is still experimenting with the light box from his work. Taking piccies of toys is hard to get right. My tactic is to take many 100's and hoe some are OK, works sometimes.
