The much anticipated, & seemingly endless wait for GdA 2 got me thinking about the scenery collection we Marauders have for Napoleonic games in 10mm. We've not played Napoleonics for ages so I revisited some photos from old batreps on this blog. I really enjoyed going through the pictures, so much so I decided to gather some into one place & share with anyone who's interested.
The scenery is all 6mm, the model soldiers are 10mm. All buildings painted by me, models by my chum Barry Hill. As I said this post is about the scenery not the model soldiers, although there's obviously a few buzzing about! Have a poke about & comment if you like what you see.
Big resin lump casting which is a fantastic model. |
I was rather intrepid about painting this but once broken down into logical processes & steps it all worked out for the best. |
The complete village with grazing sheep et al! |
French lights disport in front of a sweet little village. |
I didn't paint this one, Liliput Lane I think, Chris will know, he loves this church for some reason! |
Muddy streets - yukky! |
That old house at the end of the road... |
These little farms look great & act as good anchors for a flank without having to be occupied - we don't allow that for small places like this one. |
Got to have a few good hills. Don't forget real hills are really big! This one has lots of space on the top. |
Hilltop town on a further hill top! |
Walled farm, fields, copse, roads, a good hill & the ridge! Must be early in a game as so few troops! |
Features like this could dominate a 28mm game, but in 6/10mm - no problem. |
Good dense woods. |
The distant beer bottle is 1-1 scale mercifully... hic. |
Austrian chevau legere canter past a small farm. |
Agricultural area with large granary in the back ground. |
These rocks were intended for 28mm games but add a certain drama to the landscape if correctly placed. Here they are remnants of the river eroded cliff sides as the waterway carves a new landscape. |
Medieval Abbey on the high ground above the river valley. |
Storm clouds gather on our bucolic scene. |
French & Austrian brigades approach each other. |
Plenty of room for loads of models & plenty of scenery whilst leaving real "space" to maneuver. |
Austrian reserves arrive behind the font line. |
So pretty but always left on a flank or corner. How would you ever play it! |
Vineyards - super cute. |
A few feet of deployment - the board is 17 x 6 feet. |
I think was the first one I painted in 6mm as an experiment. It worked! |
Tree lined roads look amazing & draw the eye. I hate the light blue shutters despite painting them! |
Lovely fortified manor. |
Same place, different angle. Excellent model. |
Vineyards around a walled farm. I could live here happily. |
Or here. |
Great little scene in some forgotten corner of the battlefield. |
An Austrian Cuirassier Division deploys onto the field from reserve. Five regiments, each of 32 models, in two brigades. |
Austrian brigade of Dragoons, three regiments. |
Our Austrian CinC model with "pointy" advisors. |
There you go. Hope you enjoyed that little foray down at table top level.
Gaming wise we still pay weekly but not Napoleonics. This exercise tells me I miss that a lot! We've been playing pick up games of Ancients, 30k & await the release of Warhammer Fantasy again as well as Legion Imperialis - Epic 30k to you & me!When GdA 2 drops we'll get back into it & maybe even post a report for posterity.
Very best wishes,