Welcome to Marauder Moments - a chronicle of the Mortimer Street Marauders; the games we play, the rules we use, the figures we play with and the scenery they fight over. Hope you enjoy these pages and maybe call back to catch up with our escapades.

Thursday, 11 February 2021

Childs Play - a Marauder Moment in time.

Way back in 2006 we Mortimer Street Marauders hosted Childs Play, the first of many Flames of War competitions we ran in various towns & cities from Bath to Sheffield & even Evesham! My old chum Al created this poster & flyer to attract players, which it did admirably.   

So, does anyone out there remember these events or maybe even attended on? Scrivs? JP & the Gimps? The Swindon Crew? Just a thought.

Best wishes,




  1. Certainly remember me and WooWaa being there.
    Great memories, but remember nothing of the games, but do recall a great curry.

    1. Me too. Good times. Somewhere I have some pics of your German forces from this weekend. I seem to recall a large 88mm flak gun causing trouble...

    2. I did have a Flak36 at some stage, supporting swarms of Pz38t, maybe that's what I was using.
