The last few weeks have seen the end of the Flutzen game (which I shall write a concluding post for) and the commencement of a mammoth basing session. The arrival of more Austrians coincided with the first Russians turning up to grace our games. Rich has splurged a few £££'s on the Russians and being a top draw loon has started with the Guards!
We rolled back the battle mat and get in some essential supplies, mostly beer. Tubs, sand, grit, glue, spoons, flock & old brushes. |
The first of our much talked about limbers get the basing treatment. |
This is a very therapeutic and productive use of time. Idle banter about past exploits, rules, figures, games & of course... what to buy next. We have a few beers and get loads done because basing this much stuff on your own can be soul draining!
The infantry battalions on the left are Russian Guards - all in Mitres of course! |
Russian artillery get sand between their toes! |
These I think are Guard Cossacks and Don Cossacks. |
Just need to get the flock on these boys; 4x32 Austrian Grenadiers, 6x36 French Legere, 32 Zastrow & 32 Garde du corps, 32 Austrian Cuirassier plus one Austrian General. |
Magister Militum are casting up an order for me now, more French & Austrians of course.
Next up I think should be a full Bavarian Division complete with a light cavalry brigade maybe.
I'll try to get the Flutzen report finished at some point.
Best wishes,