Welcome to Marauder Moments - a chronicle of the Mortimer Street Marauders; the games we play, the rules we use, the figures we play with and the scenery they fight over. Hope you enjoy these pages and maybe call back to catch up with our escapades.

Monday, 24 August 2020

In game pics and a few new toys.

We're back in the cellar we call Marauder HQ. A new Napoleonic battle in underway & we are reacquainting ourselves with the General d'Armee rules at a leisurely pace - it feels good & the atmosphere is both jovial & relaxed. One couldn't really ask for more from wargaming.

This isn't a battle report & it's not the Cloppenhammer game I touted some months ago as the new toys for that are only just heading our way from Barry the painter. Once they're here & based we can do the Cloppenhammer monster with a full batrep.     

Austrian reserve heavy cavalry division comprising two brigades of Cuirassiers, that's 5 regiments each 32 strong.
It's an undeniably impressive sight & a reassuring reserve behind our centre.

Here they are again in a wider context. Tony's battle with Chris rages to the north.

Some new toys in action for the first time, we all know how that goes.
Austrian brigade of dragoons, 3 regiments each 32 strong.
French foot deploy opposite in the distance. 

The Austrian dragoons again. Things have moved on a bit by now. The French foot have advanced & French Guard cavalry have moved up in support behind them. "There may be trouble ahead..."

Tony masterminding the Austrian extreme right flank in the north against Chris with Poles, Westphalians & Swiss.
Tony looks happy & healthy - testament to the edifying power of wargaming... it won't last as hot shot finds its mark!

This picture shows the northern half of the battlefield where Tony & Chris's lines are about to clash.
Its a very pretty landscape even if I say so myself.  

Austrian infantry brigades advance across the northern flank.
This kind of shot reveals eth space we have gained by swapping to 10mm. 

A picturesque scene from the hilltop town looking south west over Austrian forces to the waiting French & their allies.  

Near the centre battle commences across a range of low hills near farms & villages. 

Great minds deep in thought.
Chris: calculating factors & summoning rules from deep within his labyrinthine mind...
Tony: "Arse..............!"
The southern  flank - early setbacks for the boys in white...
Here we see first contact on my flank in the south.
This is seconds after these French heavies charged & cut down Bellegarde's battalion faltering the brigade.
This ably demonstartes the tactical value of attached horse artillery, see top centre, a marked advantage over Austrian heavy cavalry formations. 

French hussars & chasseurs lin eup against Austrian chevau legere - first honours to the French.

Rich schemes & calculates. I look somewhat deflated after his initial successes so have lapsed into admiring tiny shiny toys! 
New shiny tiny toys...

Old Guard artillery park. Two 12lb foot batteries, two of horse plus general.
Magister Militum Nappy goodness.

Austrian C-in-C plus entourage & enthusiastic cavalryman.
Austrian cavalry commanders, two of heavies and an uhlan chappy.

That's your lot for now. There are more toys undergoing basing and more in transit soon so I'll post as they become available. I'll post more informal game pics too as this unfolds but It'll stay casual.
Thanks to Chris & Tony & welcome back to Rich who is on top form, relaxed & happy & collecting a monumental Russian army in 10mm -Austerlitz anyone?

Very best wishes, stay safe out there,


  1. Lovely stuff Jeremy, I'm hoping to be able to have enough stuff painted to play some General d'Armee soon, limited to 28mm on an 8 x 6 table though so will be nowhere near as impressive as this.

  2. Beautiful toys and truly impressive battlefield. Great stuff!

  3. Nothing like a large Napoleonic Game. Cheers Greg

  4. Really amazing! We recently switched to 6mm to be able to fit everyone on to a table. It is a great feeling to be able to replicate a larger battle, rather than a large skirmish!

    Just wondering which measurements you use in GdA, and what sizes are your bases?

  5. Austerlitz? Oh yes please JJ!!

  6. Marvellous as ever Jeremy.
    Regards, James
