Marauder HQ may soon be available to us again - Phew & Hurrah!
We had planned a massive 10mm game based on the map moves we've made for the Cloppenhammer battle. However the remaining models are still with Barry - all painted just no sensible parcel service yet at his end. Instead we shall get the 28's out and have a big bash with big toys for a change. The Russians haven't have a spin for at least two years so we'll field them against re French & their various allies.
These pictures are from older games to whet our appetite & yours...
Part of Tony's splendid & massive Russian 28mm army occupying a plateau in 1812 somewhere in Russia. |
In addition to playing this game Tony & I have talked for ages about doing a Moscow Vogue photo shoot of his Russians & my Russian Guards - hopefully this will be just the chance to finally do it.
Russian heavy cavalry reserve. Seivers with the dragoons & uhlans plus Duka with the Cuirassiers behind. |
Formidable looking 12lb foot battery on the ridge line. |
A close up of Tony's handiwork - he's a talented chap. |
French foot battery pounds the elevated Russian positions as the assault begins - see left background. |
The Italian Corps assaults a different part of the Russian positions with artillery & light cavalry support. |
French & Swiss skirmishers clash with foot on the crest. |
Russian line & militia battalions defend Holy soil from dastardly invaders. |
Russian defense in depth. |
More defense in depth. They're literally queuing up to die in the meat grinder... |
Brilliantly conceived skirmish line for Tony's grenadier division, drummers out front! |
Duka's cuirassiers in reserve, here we see the Novgorod & Starodub. Both beefy 32 strong regiments. Duka up front going bonkers barking at the birds... |
Hopefully we can get this one up and running in July sometime. It's great to have an end in site & a plan to look forward to. With luck the absent toys will turn up at some point too.
I hope you're all safe & well? Very best wishes to you all,