Welcome to Marauder Moments - a chronicle of the Mortimer Street Marauders; the games we play, the rules we use, the figures we play with and the scenery they fight over. Hope you enjoy these pages and maybe call back to catch up with our escapades.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

A Borodino taster...

So we did it!

We survived Borodino - again.

My third attempt at this meat grinder is over - infact we finished it a while ago! So exhausting was it that I haven't been able to do much wargaming related stuff since beyond play our usual weekly game, too much of a good thing?

I plan to write a post about the design of the two games which comprised this blood bath and two battle reports; one of the northern sector (see below) comprising Borodino & the Grand Redoudt, and secondly the southern sector with fighting around Utitsa & The Fleches. Much went well but there were things I would do differently next time. There are hundreds of piccies to edit so it may take sometime to do this. The players are even threatening to contribute some of their own thoughts; didn't know they had them frankly!!!

I'll leave you with this taster of the first game - i.e. half of it.  

The Northern sector with Borodino roughly centre stage and the Grand Redoubt a little further back. This looks like we're approaching the end of day one as the ranks have been thinned out a little and Junot has yet to arrive.  
Catch up soon, best  wishes



  1. looks pretty spectacular JJ,
    Will keep an eye out for the bat rep.

  2. Did the Poles make it to the table?

    1. Sadly not but they are now with the painters so will hopefully appear next year when I get some more of your excellent miniatures. Can't wait for the Uhlans. What exactly was the role of Krakus? I assume much like cossacks?
      Keep it up old chap. Must share a good vintage sometime...

  3. Looks like we are in for a real treat when you post those reports from the southern and northern sectors... bated breath!

    1. Happy to keep you in suspense for a while longer I suspect!
      Be good James
