This weekend Tony & I ventured deep into the darkness that was Marauder HQ. Like archaeologists opening a long forgotten tomb we picked our way quietly amongst dusty treasures heaped high on all sides. The passing of time has been kind to the contents & no tomb robber had penetrated this far. Suffice to say everything was as we left it after the seals were set in place & traps set when the big Lockdown was announced.
Unlocking the past at Marauder HQ |
To be honest it was quite something. We have spent many hours every week locked away playing with our toys at Marauder HQ over the years so the period of enforced absence has been a bit strange.
We have been playing weekly for a few weeks but not Napoleonics & not on our own special 18 x 6 foot slice of
terra firma. Good to be back.
We tidied up a bit & then set up the big table; found the mat & then found some real relics from the past. Snapdragon Studio used to be a big name in resin scenery and mighty fine they were too.
I knew the vaguely cantankerous owner quite well - he hated wargamers but liked me so we got some great kit from him on good terms. It has stood the text of time well so we decided to debut some it here, 15 to 20 years late.
Snapdragon's finest. This heavy weight Russian settlement will soon be hotly contested by acres of 28mm Nappy goodness! |
The magnificence of Marauder length & girth awaits population by warring armies. |
Another Snapdragon classic - this one piece resin casting was painted by Tony using sprays & a sponge only. |
There's plenty of room for sweeping actions & "derring do" by the likes of Seivers & Duka... Yes! They're back! |
Snapdragon field with Last Valley trees - a perfect combination. |
Snapdragon hill. Like the fields these were all handmade. Possibly not ideal for large 28mm units but they look great. |
Last Valley fallen tree - nothing else to be said really. |
Another low down view of the battlefield. |
Wooded terrain in one corner - here be jaegers! |
Last Valley pool & tree - rugged but attractive gaming scenery. |
I suggest an Emperor of short stature might gain an advantage atop this picturesque yet craggy mound. |
That's your lot for today. I'm supposed be working at rebuilding the fortune I lost during lock down so this is brief.
We have a battlefield, it needs a name, the armies are ready, the players primed, the beers cold & the cannon hot... Prepare for war - War on 28!