I found some time today to photograph these additions to the Allied artillery park which now boasts four batteries. The two British & Spanish are painted by Peter Morbey of Elite Miniatures, the Portuguese battery is painted by Tony Laughton. All miniatures except the mounted officer are by Elite, the odd one out is Front Rank.
Pics & captions with a surprise few pics at the end...
The Allied combined artillery for my growing Peninsular collection. |
A closer look at the British foot battery. |
The British horse battery. |
Portuguese battery. |
The lone Spanish battery. |
Close up of some of the model guns and crews. |
and more close ups. |
Royal Horse Artillery. |
FIRE! Amigos! |
Spanish howitzer crew with super keen officer! |
This Portuguese officer is keepng cool rather more than his Spanish ally above... |
More FIRE Amigos! |
This RHA battery really needs a limber, all in good time! |
I may have a fetish for Elite Miniatures artillery & crews. |
The Portuguese boys from behind! |
Some aerial views...
Portuguese foot battery. |
British foot battery. |
RHA battery. |
The Spanish battery is a firm favourite I think. |
The whole ensemble from behind! |
And now for something a little different!
These two are the batteries for my Maurice Imagi-nations army which is creeping along in the margins. The models are Elite Miniatures 7YW French guns & crews. Paint job is by Tony Laughton who conspired with me on the uniform details. These are precisely how I had hoped - many thanks Tony. Massive guns from Elite as usual, right up my street.
What next?
Battle reports will hopefully resume fairly soon, it's been tricky with the campaign games because of the fear of giving too much away too soon to the players, a thin excuse but true.
Celebrated turning 49 recently, one hefty parcel included two 32 strong regiments of French Old Guard Cavalry, you'll have to wait and see which two. We plan to rush these through painting.
Also Tony Laughton has finally completed 40 Old Guard Grenadiers for me, possibly his best work yet. Just need basing. Chasseurs a Pied up next.
Hope this post scratches an itch, best wishes, Jeremy.