Welcome to Marauder Moments - a chronicle of the Mortimer Street Marauders; the games we play, the rules we use, the figures we play with and the scenery they fight over. Hope you enjoy these pages and maybe call back to catch up with our escapades.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Looking forward to a great weekends gaming.

Our annual summer two dayer is about to begin.

Wives and children packed off and the scenarios ready. I just need to base four battalions of my new Portuguese by the morning - what are my chances of that with a house full of drunken Marauders?

French cuirassier getting ready 

Russian gun line faces down French attacks.  

Chris loses his head in the mess... basically we had a massive spring clean at Marauder HQ..

I'm great. Meh! 

MEN AT WORK FROM BEHIND...We, they built some new shelves for scenery storage.

That's my mess... we threw out loads of old garbage.

Very cool French general thank you very much!

So we have two days and two Napoleonic battles to play, everyone's sober and up for it, like heck!

Love Chris, Tony, Rich and Jeremy xxx